Iran • Born in 1986
Persian identities
By her own admission, Maryam Firuzi did not plan on becoming a photographer. This talented Iranian filmmaker, who has a degree in Persian calligraphy and film studies, discovered the syntax of the still image during projects for her studies and her work on a thesis about cinematic introspection.
“In my opinion, all artistic mediums are intertwined,” she said in an interview with Paris Photo, when her work was being exhibited by the Silk Road Gallery in Tehran. “My photography is influenced by all of these art forms in different ways: calligraphy taught me discipline and self-dedication, painting taught me freedom of expression, and literature taught me how to develop ideas and articulate them.”
Her fundamentally innovative vision is clearly expressed in her photographic series as she explores her world, namely present-day Iran. A world in which the place of women is inevitably complex. She reflects on the notion of heritage, wearing veils and hair... She explains: “In my country, where gender is always a deeply sensitive issue in every aspect of society, is it even possible to circumvent my status as a woman in my work? Gender is so omnipresent in my life that I often feel forced to think like a woman and create bodies of work that are only related to women.”
Four series of Maryam Firuzi’s work are on show at La Gacilly, one of which is presented exclusively for the Festival.
Her perspective deeply challenges all our notions of photography.
Exhibition produced in collaboration with the Silk Road Gallery, Tehran.

© Maryam Firuzi

Les événements de l'artiste

By her own admission, Maryam Firuzi did not plan on becoming a photographer. This talented Iranian filmmaker, who has a degree in Persian calligraphy and film studies, discovered the syntax of the still image during projects for her studies and her work on a thesis about cinematic introspection.
“In my opinion, all artistic mediums are intertwined,” she said in an interview with Paris Photo, when her work was being exhibited by the Silk Road Gallery in Tehran. “My photography is influenced by all of these art forms in different ways: calligraphy taught me discipline and self-dedication, painting taught me freedom of expression, and literature taught me how to develop ideas and articulate them.”
Her fundamentally innovative vision is clearly expressed in her photographic series as she explores her world, namely present-day Iran. A world in which the place of women is inevitably complex. She reflects on the notion of heritage, wearing veils and hair... She explains: “In my country, where gender is always a deeply sensitive issue in every aspect of society, is it even possible to circumvent my status as a woman in my work? Gender is so omnipresent in my life that I often feel forced to think like a woman and create bodies of work that are only related to women.”
Four series of Maryam Firuzi’s work are on show at La Gacilly, one of which is presented exclusively for the Festival.
Her perspective deeply challenges all our notions of photography.
Exhibition produced in collaboration with the Silk Road Gallery, Tehran.