Sweden - Born in 1984
Jonathan Nackstrand has travelled the length and breadth of the Far North. “There’s only one place I haven’t yet been: Svalbard.” Norway’s northernmost archipelago is thus missing from the repertoire of this Swedish AFP photographer based in Stockholm. But he has roamed the rest of the Scandinavian countries and explored them in all their complexity. “It’s certainly more difficult for an agency photographer to find a story in Finland than in the Middle East,” jokes the journalist, who acknowledges “that everything is quite slow and peaceful here.” However, when you look through his archives, a common thread immediately emerges. A theatre shrouded in snow and cold far from the turpitudes of the big news stories, the Nordic territories and their problems are gradually making their mark on the world. For while ecological awareness is not a new phenomenon, it took on a whole new dimension in the summer of 2018 with teenager Greta Thunberg. And with good reason: all these countries are sentinels, among the first to feel the effects of global warming – well ahead of Europe’s southern states. “Whether it’s covering the Sámi people who are having to change their lifestyles because of rising temperatures, car races on snow that can no longer take place or Greenland’s glaciers breaking off into the sea with global warming, we cannot deny the obvious.” Having become acclimatised to the cold, these territories must now deal with its gradual waning.
Views Across the Far North
For the second year of this partnership between the AFP and the La Gacilly Photo Festival, two photographers have been selected to illustrate the French press agency’s view of the Far North. Both deal with a theme that is dear to our hearts: the connection between Humans and Earth.
Exhibition organised in partnership with Agence France-Presse and produced with the support and guidance of the Initial Labo photo laboratory.

© Jonathan Näckstrand / AFP


Jonathan Nackstrand has travelled the length and breadth of the Far North. “There’s only one place I haven’t yet been: Svalbard.” Norway’s northernmost archipelago is thus missing from the repertoire of this Swedish AFP photographer based in Stockholm. But he has roamed the rest of the Scandinavian countries and explored them in all their complexity. “It’s certainly more difficult for an agency photographer to find a story in Finland than in the Middle East,” jokes the journalist, who acknowledges “that everything is quite slow and peaceful here.” However, when you look through his archives, a common thread immediately emerges. A theatre shrouded in snow and cold far from the turpitudes of the big news stories, the Nordic territories and their problems are gradually making their mark on the world. For while ecological awareness is not a new phenomenon, it took on a whole new dimension in the summer of 2018 with teenager Greta Thunberg. And with good reason: all these countries are sentinels, among the first to feel the effects of global warming – well ahead of Europe’s southern states. “Whether it’s covering the Sámi people who are having to change their lifestyles because of rising temperatures, car races on snow that can no longer take place or Greenland’s glaciers breaking off into the sea with global warming, we cannot deny the obvious.” Having become acclimatised to the cold, these territories must now deal with its gradual waning.