France - Born in 1994
Brieuc Weulersse is a French photographer based in Brussels. Having discovered collapsology (the study of the risks of collapse of our industrial civilisation), he began to question his own conception of ecology. What was once only a vague aspect of his daily life, manifest in the sorting of waste or his choice of political party, took on another dimension encompassing growth and decline, food production, the limits of ecosystems, ecological debt, and so on. He then read the reference work on this theory: How Everything Can Collapse by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens. The scientific explanations given and possible scenarios for our future came as a real shock. Prompted by this ecological emergency and his questions about the future of humanity, Brieuc turned to science and the people who seek solutions and alternatives for tomorrow. He worked alongside researchers in experimental research facilities and universities, photographing the experiments they conduct.
In collaboration with Fisheye Magazine and Fisheye Gallery.
Exhibition produced with the support and expertise of Laboratoire Agelia.

© Brieuc Weulersse / Winner of the new takes on environmental photography award in 2021


Brieuc Weulersse is a French photographer based in Brussels. Having discovered collapsology (the study of the risks of collapse of our industrial civilisation), he began to question his own conception of ecology. What was once only a vague aspect of his daily life, manifest in the sorting of waste or his choice of political party, took on another dimension encompassing growth and decline, food production, the limits of ecosystems, ecological debt, and so on. He then read the reference work on this theory: How Everything Can Collapse by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens. The scientific explanations given and possible scenarios for our future came as a real shock. Prompted by this ecological emergency and his questions about the future of humanity, Brieuc turned to science and the people who seek solutions and alternatives for tomorrow. He worked alongside researchers in experimental research facilities and universities, photographing the experiments they conduct.