Pauline Tezier - Languidic
Pauline Tezier is a self-taught photographer. As a cradled kid on the African continent, she continued her studies in Canada. She discovered her vocation thanks her first reflex. Her work is related to families and travels with the agency Photographe du monde, she travels around Brittany and other horizons.

Marcel Pagnol - Plouay
Openness to others
People pass again like ghosts, continuously ignorant of those in need. Thankfully, some when confronted to this indifference reach out to those who need their support. It doesn't cost us anything to smile to the homeless, to push a person in a whellchair, to help an older person cross the road, to fight back for someone who is being harassed...
To open yourself to others, simply that can improve their lives. This mutual aid, warms hearts, makes people smile, comforts and if everyone participate jus a little it, it would add up make a signifiant difference in the end. Just these small, seemingly insignifiant actions, can have a positive impact on those in need. So, all those who are mindless of others, too busy to act upon this issue, open your eyes ans look around you. Do you perceive certain people differently? The truth is that we are all different!
Open your eyes and take just a few moments out of your day to acknowledge those around you.

Saint-Ouen Lasalle - Plouay
Our viewpoints are numerous, nature opens her doors to us and we become free
Our viewpoints are numerous, nature opens her doors to us and we become free. Like a bottle at sea, we leave behind our daily habits and let the current carry us. Like a tree deep in the forest, hiding from that which prevents us from being free. Like a bird in the sky, taking flight to fing now spaces. Like a hat thrown into the sky, taking height. Like a fish floating flight to find new spaces. like a hat thrown into the sky, taking height. Like a fish floating on the swell, scanning the horizon. like a star, comfortably sitting on our unicorn, being carried away by our imagination. Like a bubble of dreams, having fun holding on to balance. Like a palm tree in the sun, dreaming of faraway lands. Like an aeroplane, flying over the ocean. Through these different doors, we have satisfied our need for freedom.