Festival programme
© Luisa Dörr

Cyril Drouhet, Exhibition Curator at La Gacilly Photo Festival
“Man’s hope is his reason to live,” André Malraux
Sadly, the worldwide health crisis has brutally disrupted our Festival. No one could have foreseen these events. Last January, an ill wind blew through China. It then swept across the world to Milan, Madrid, London, Paris and New York, locking down Asia then Europe and finally the entire planet, bringing anguish and pain in its gloomy wake.
Time was suspended as whole countries came to a standstill, forced into a deadlock by an invisible enemy. We were forced into confinement, to remain within our four walls in an unaccustomed life of seclusion. As lives were broken, we were compelled to rediscover wisdom, humility, trust and unwavering hope. City-dwellers came out onto their balconies and looked down unbelievingly on the deserted streets, while in the countryside, we rediscovered the inspiring beauty of the natural world.
Not once, even during the darkest hours, did we think about cancelling our Festival.
© Carolina Arantes
06 aout 2024
Du 6 août au 1er septembre
Venez découvrir cet été, les enjeux du développement durable grâce à l'exposition photographique Planète 17 ! et une animation spécialement conçue.
Une occasion ludique et artistique de mieux comprendre le monde qui nous entoure.